Safe Families

Safe Families believes that every child deserves to thrive, and recognise that to do this children need to feel loved and secure in their own family. When families are isolated and struggling, their children can feel upset and afraid. Facing life alone is hard, and when families feel that there is no one there to help, it’s a scary place to be.

Pattern Church is excited to be partnering with Safe Families to make a lasting difference in Swindon. They train and support volunteers from local churches and connect them with isolated families so they can build relationships that bring hope. Safe Families work closely with a wide group of other organisations, particularly Swindon Borough Council, and to date our volunteers have helped more than 30 families with practical support and friendship.

Two stories from our volunteers:

1. A volunteer was introduced to a Mum in the area with 2 young children who described herself as ‘at her lowest point’. She had just come out of a relationship because of domestic abuse, was expecting a baby and had very little support around her. The volunteer was able to provide friendship, encouragement and practical help. Things many of us might take for granted. When the new baby arrived she was able to help with shopping and arrange for the church to deliver food parcels, meet up for walks and visits to the park. Mum said this one supportive person made all the difference for her and she is in a completely different place now.

2. One of our families got a call about a local mum, an asylum seeker, who didn’t have anyone to look after her child when she was going into hospital to have her second baby. They hosted this toddler for 4 nights, when the only alternative was the toddler going into care. Some other volunteers provided clothes and other bits and pieces the Mum needed for her new baby.

If you'd like to hear more about volunteering for Safe Families fill in the form on our 'Join a Team' page, or speak to Fay Howard or Helen Howarth.