mission initiative roll
What is the Mission Initiative Roll?
The Mission Initiative Roll is the Church of England's official register of the people who worship at Pattern Church and determines the number of representatives we have at Deanery Synod (the Anglican churches across Swindon). If you consider Pattern Church to be your home, have attended worship with us for at least 6 months and are eligible to join the roll, we would love to encourage you to fill in this application form.
Pattern Church is forming a new Mission Initiative Roll in 2025 so everyone who was previously included on the must re-apply this year.
Who can be on the Mission Initiative Roll?
Anyone who calls Pattern Church home, and is eligible to join can be enrolled onto the Mission Initiative Roll. Under the Church Representation Rules, any lay person (someone who is not ordained) may join the roll if they are baptised, have worshipped at the church regularly for at least the last six months and are at least 16 years old. If you would prefer to complete a paper form please email hello@patternchurch.org.
If you have any questions regarding this application form or the Mission Initiative Roll in general please email hello@patternchurch.org.